Seattle Fundraising


Nepalese and people all around the world have been actively supporting my journey from years. I was not capable of affording the completion of my 9 years journey. I am obliged by the hospitality, friendship, brotherhood of all my dearest friends and I am greatly thankful for their encouragement and motivation so far.

I am delighted to receive support from Sherpa Adventure Gear and North West Sherpa Association in Seattle for the recognition of my tour. On August, Karsang dai from Colorado enquired for sponsorship from Sherpa Adventure Gear. I didn’t get a full sponsorship but I got a huge support from the company itself and Sherpa community in Seattle.


Even though Sherpa Gear was not in a position to sponsor my tour, Tsedo from the company his father planned to request some Sherpa People to raise fund and the company would add an equivalent amount to the Furtemba Sherpa Foundation Fund.

Mr. Mingma Thundu Sherpa actively started a fundraiser campaign. With extensive mail and phone calls to Northwest Sherpa Members. He had a great effort to raise a sum of $850. I express my gratitude to all the members of North West Sherpa members.



I am gratified and humbled for their great support. The amount and the inspiration they provide mean a lot to me.

I promise to continually update my tour and ensure that I will do my best to flourish the message of peace, harmony and environmental protection. With my toughest endeavor I would share the world about Nepal and Nepalese.


Peace and Harmony,
Furtemba Sherpa